314413Vysoce dynamické frézování tenkostěnných obrobků „DynaMill“
Poskytovatel : Evropská unie
Manažer : Sulitka Matěj
Řešitel : Sulitka Matěj
Výzva : FP7-NMP - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Nanosciences, Materials and new Production Technologies, Nanotechnologies
Anotace : Lightweight components are gaining in importance in EU key industries with good market growth potential (aerospace, automotive, power generation, medical technology etc.). To achieve weight reductions, complex thin-walled structures are combined with high strength materials. However, the lower stiffness of work pieces leads to severe challenges during the milling process:
- Difficulty to achieve high work piece quality, due to vibration and process forces, in industries that have very high safety and quality requirements (aviation, space etc.). Therefore, in many cases manual finishing of the work pieces is required.
- Achievement of acceptable work piece quality only through time and resource consuming trial and error identification of process parameters that circumvent critical process states. This often results in slow and inefficient processes.
To overcome these problems, DynaMill aims at achieving the complete control over the milling process of thin-walled work pieces. This will be realised through a threefold approach combining the development of process planning, adaptive clamping devices and improved cutting conditions. Subsequently, these three developments will be integrated in the DynaMill Technology as a platform. Throughout the project demonstration of intermediate and integrated solutions will play an important role.
The concrete impacts for industry include:
- 30% reduction of production time and costs
- 80% increase in process stability
- 30% reduction of power, compressed air and coolants
- 60% reduction of process set-up time and 70% reduction of wasted raw materials during set-up
- 20% improvement of tool life
- Elimination of finishing operations
As a result the competiveness of European industry will be enhanced significantly.
For the project, a strong consortium consisting of two research institutes, four manufacturers of key technologies (CAM software, machine tools, clamping devices and tools) and four end users has been gathered.
263385Integrovaný procesní řetězec pro automatizovanou a flexibilní výrobu vláknových termpolastických kompozitů „FibreChain“ Integrovaný procesní řetězec pro automatizovanou a flexibilní výrobu vláknových termoplastických kompozitů „FibreChain“
Poskytovatel : Evropská unie
Manažer : Kolář Petr
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : FP7-NMP - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Nanosciences, Materials and new Production Technologies, Nanotechnologies
Anotace : Lightweight components and their energy-efficient production will form one of the most important key factors for the European industry to fulfil the ever increasing global demands. Nowadays, for 3D-shaped, multi-layered products based on flexible materials only specialized and semi-automated manufacturing equipment is available. The project “Integrated Process Chain for Automated and Flexible Production of Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Products (FibreChain)” aims at the development of worldwide first automated turnkey manufacturing systems for fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites (FRTC) addressing public and private transportation, mechanical, chemical and civil engineering as well as consumer goods.
FibreChain will generate 20.8 billion € in 5 years and promote a world leading European fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) industry. FibreChain will more than double the productivity by cost-effective, energy-efficient and flexible manufacturing of FRTCs products due to:
-Customised and yet highly automated production
-Multi-functional (laser) equipment
-Near-Net-Shape production (scrap rates down to 3%)
-Integrated measurement systems
-Knowledge and simulation models along all processes
A multidisciplinary consortium from 7 European countries with outstanding competencies in material, machine tools, manufacturing, laser technology, metrology, simulation and control will accomplish an integrated process chain and make available:
-Process-adapted prepreg materials with carbon, aramid, glass, basalt and natural fibres
-UD-prepregs to overcome drawbacks of fabrics and impregnation processes
-Energy-efficient out-of-autoclave production
-Laser systems and processes for integration of tape laying, cutting and joining
-In-situ integration of holes and inserts during thermoforming
-Integrated material/process data base, simulation and quality assurance system
Thus, OEMs and SMEs synchronise their production of FRTCs with the technological inputs from lean manufacturing systems.