NO0110Modelování a experimentální analýza produkce tepla kuličkového ložiska s kosoúhlým stykem a mazáním olej-vzduch
Poskytovatel : Aoba Foundation For The Promotion Of Engineering
Manažer : Sulitka Matěj
Řešitel : Sulitka Matěj
Výzva : N/A
Příjemce : Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM)
Anotace : Main aim of the project is identification and development of angular contact ball bearing heat generation model with oil-air lubrication. Experimental part of the project will provide the knowledge on bearing thermal loses, based on which a bearing heat generation model will be developed and verified. Experimental research using two different kinds of bearings is foreseen. RCMT will use an existing test rig, which will be modified for oil-air lubrication. Appropriate input/output parameters of the bearing heat generation model will be defined together with KIMM.