EU most important automation & mechatronic industries are in CE regions: business dimension is intercontinental but the services to kick innovation are still local & this slows quick canalization of R&D results from EU & CE labs into the industrial system. This makes tech-transfer & brokerage commissioned by companies long, expensive, often duplicate efforts & do not respond to the time-to-market requirements. The challenge is increasing & federating these services to accelerate the transposition of KET from EU-funded research & CE labs in new end-users components & apps for CE advanced manufacturing industries.
NUCLEI main objective is to change the obsolete innovation management model from a “local-based” technology scouting approach to a transnational pool of knowledge supporting advanced manufacturing innovation beyond regional borders. This increases economic interdependences among seven S3-manufacturing Regions & encourages more effective transnational value chains in automotive, electrical industry, IT sector, robotic & mechanic automation. Such joint knowledge sourcing approach helps 7 NUCLEi industrial clusters & its end-beneficiaries (Corporations, SMEs, R&D performers) to foster process of emergence of new consortia/business deals for execution of bold technological, product, market projects.
The creation of 1 broad&collaborative environment, initially tested by 100 testimonial companies from 7 CE Regions, is expected to increase linkages with innovators outside own regions by 40-50%, accelerate the time-to-market of R&D concepts (from EU-funded research &CE laboratories to companies) by 15-20%, increase R&D expenditure & patent applications by 2-3% of mid-term turnover. Drivers to run innovation are 1 joint cloud based on FoF-IMPACT&COFACTOR H2020 projects, 3 pilots (tech-brokerage; knowledge transformation; mechatronic standardization) & 1 Business Innovation Strategy to expand NUCLEi i-services within each regional S3 as driving force
Hlavní příjemce | Centre of Research and Technological Innovation s.r.l. |
Další příjemci | ITQ GmbH Business Upper Austria – Upper Austrian Business Agency Ltd. Wroclaw University of Technology t2i – Technology Transfer and Innovation s.c.a r.l. Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH ASTER Stock Joint Consortium Czech Technical University in Prague Cluster Mechatronics & Automation Management gGmbH Cluster AT+R |
Zkratky | NUCLEi |
Řešení od: | 01. 07. 2016 |
Řešení do: | 31. 10. 2018 |
Poskytovatel | Evropská unie |
Výzva | INTERREG Central Europe |
Vedoucí | Ing. Jan Smolík, Ph.D. |
Řešitel | Ing. Jan Smolík, Ph.D. |